Reconnect: Simple Meditations for Presence

Six minute meditations to facilitate your return to the simplicity of the here and now.

Day 2



Welcome to Day 2!

Each day can be listened to in a quiet space alone but they were also designed to be taken out in the world! You will see that our points of focus in each clip are quite simple to access when you are at work, walking somewhere, or in line at the grocery store.

* How to set up for each session: Preparation for meditation can often be helpful so that the mind and body sink more quickly into focus. There are a variety of yoga and breathing classes on my YouTube channel to support whatever you need, before a seated meditation or perhaps instead of it!

Day 2 - Breathing

Controlled breathing / breathwork can help regulate the nervous system and soothe daily stressors. Awareness of gentle breathing is a common technique in many meditation lineages. A basic tool that is always with us, the breath's significance around the impermanence of life and of life's constant shifts is profound. This focused breathwork session will help to activate a calming response so that changes in life might feel manageable.

*Remember to pull back a little and simply breathe mindfully in your own if my cues cause overwhelm.

Questions for reflection / journaling:

  • What keeps you from being present or aware of your breath?

  • What recent lessons / life changes are you grateful for and why?

  • When are some times recently that you were present? What were you doing?

Guided Meditation - LISTEN NOW!