Thank you for joining the retreat!

I hope you feel nourished and ready for whatever life brings your way.
As your journey continues, you’ll find various resources below:

If you need more meditation...

It can be hard to reintegrate after a retreat.
Carolyn’s website has self-directed courses and free resources to stay present and grounded.

Follow up journal prompts...

Allowing your thoughts and emotions to flow can help to further release and explore what came up for you during the retreat. 

What am I available for?

What do I need to feel nourished in my life?
Who do I feel nourished by?

How can I support myself through this time?
What do I need in this moment?

Extra breathwork!

Breathwork helps to calm the nervous system or invigorates and creates renewed energy. I have two bundles of breathwork on my website available for whatever kind of deep breathing you seek.

For a deeper dive into mindfulness tools for daily life please visit my Substack page. I am working hard to fill it with writings (and voiceovers) that are designed to inspire and support you.

If you have questions or want support...

If something came up during the retreat that you'd like to explore further, or if you simply need a compassionate ear, please reach out. I'm here to support you on this path.

Contact me at

or book a session on my website here.

Your presence at the retreat was appreciated. It’s an honour to have been a small part of your journey.